Publications in journals with Impact factor

Health-related qualify of life, angina type and coronary artery disease in patients with stable chest pain

by Nina RieckmannNeumann KFeger SIbes PNapp APreuß DDreger HFeuchtner GPlank FSuchánek VVeselka JEngstrøm TKofoed KFSchröder SZelesny TGutberlet MWoinke MMaurovich-Horvat PMerkely BDonnelly PBall PDodd JDHensey MLoi BSaba LFrancone MMancone MBerzina MErglis AVaitiekiene AZajanckauskiene LHarań TSuckiel MIFaria RGama-Ribeiro V, Benedek IRodean IAdjić FČemerlić Adjić NRodriguez-Palomares JGarcia Del Blanco BBrooksbank KCollison DDavis GThwaite EKnuuti JSaraste AKępka CKruk MBenedek TRatiu MNeskovic ANVidakovic RDiez ILecumberri IFisher MRuzsics BHollingworth WGutiérrez-Ibarluzea IDewey MMüller-Nordhorn J,

Health and quality of life outcomes, 2020

doi:10.1186/s12955-020-01312-4. FI 2,318

Pilot study of the multicentre DISCHARGE Trial: image quality and protocol adherence results of computed tomography and invasive coronary angiography

by De Rubeis GNapp AESchlattmann PGeleijns JLaule MDreger HKofoed KSørgaard MEngstrøm TTilsted HHBoi APorcu MCossa SRodríguez-Palomares JFXavier Valente FRoque AFeuchtner GPlank FŠtěchovský CWoinke MKárolyi MKarády JDonnelly PBall PDodd JHensey MMancone MCeccacci ABerzina MZvaigzne LSakalyte GBasevičius AIlnicka-Suckiel MKuśmierz DFaria RGama-Ribeiro VBenedek IBenedek TAdjić FČanković MBerry CDelles CThwaite EDavis GKnuuti JPietilä MKepka CKruk MVidakovic RNeskovic ANLecumberri IDiez Gonzales IRuzsics BFisher MDewey MFrancone MDISCHARGE Trial Group[Corporate Author]

European radiology, 2020

30(4):1997‐2009. FI 3,962