by T. Benedek, B. Jako, B. Bajka, M. Chitu, I. Kovacs, A. Benedek, I. Benedek
Suppl. 4, Vol. 59; ISSN: 2068 – 3324
Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tg. Mures
by T. Benedek, B. Jako, B. Bajka, M. Chitu, I. Kovacs, A. Benedek, I. Benedek
Suppl. 4, Vol. 59; ISSN: 2068 – 3324
Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tg. Mures
by T. Benedek, B. Jako, T. Nagy, K. Pal, I. Benedek
Suppl. 3, Vol. 58; ISSN: 2068 – 3324
Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tg. Mures
by T. Benedek, M. Chitu, I. Kovacs, I. Benedek
Suppl. 3, Vol. 58; ISSN: 2068 – 3324
Scientific Session of University Educational Staff Tg. Mures
by T. Benedek, B. Jako, I. Benedek
Excellency in Doctoral Formation through the Implementation of a new consacrated European model
by T. Benedek, B. Jako, Sz. Suciu, I. Benedek
Excellency in Doctoral Formation through the Implementation of a new consacrated European model
by Theodora Benedek, Hodas Roxana, Rațiu Mihaela, Benedek Imre
Orvostudomanyi Ertesito, XXVIII
Tudományos Ülésszak, Marosvásárhely, 2018. április 19–21.